Ask Isadora #9-08 : Take That!

*Recently a lady friend of mine moved to Florida. I am a 27 year old single female. She was a single lady in her early 40’s. We went out a lot and spent a lot of time at her place and mine. I was always consumed with a powerful urge to be spanked by her. She also liked to be spanked by me.. I just loved the way she’d lay me acroiss her lap, slide my short skirt up to my waist, stretch my panties good and tight, and warm my buttocks with 25 or 30 good hard whacks. Then I would do the same to her. This was followed by other pleasures. I seek to meet another lady like her. The main purpose of this letter is that I wonder if there are other single girls out there who have these same desires and have actually has experiences like the ones I’ve written about here. My curiosity is really aroused.

From the very specific way you have written about your spankings I see that’s not all that has been aroused. There is absolutely nothing that someone does for pleasure that someone else is not already doing or can be taught to enjoy. The best way to find a like-minded playmate is through special interest clubs (check online), play parties and swing houses, or personal ads. Starting one with “Like to spank/be spanked?” ought to get you a pool of applicants from which to choose.

* Something that confounds me no end (and from my conversations with other people, they, too, are confounded by the same thing) are gay couples who adopt a child of the opposite sex instead of their own sex. Why don’t they adopt a child of the gender they love and are oriented toward instead of the gender they are not oriented toward, and even have a downright aversion toward? Why would gay females want a male living in their household as a third party? I should think even a boa constructor would be more appealing to them! Are they trying to compensate for something or what? It is as though these gay couples are trying to appease heterosexual society by saying “Look, Heterosexual Society, even though I am not oriented toward the opposite sex I have adopted a child of that gender to make it up to you for it. So you will hate and persecute me a little less now, won’t you?” Of course, that may not be the reason at all, but I can’t think of anything else, can you? If so, many of us would like to know your views.

Let’s start with your false assumption that gay people have an aversion toward the opposite sex. Some do, of course, but most don’t. By your reasoning all heterosexual women must want only boy children and hetero males only daughters. Then let’s look at the fact that many gay couples reproduce the age-old way and already have children from other liaisons.. Women can also use sperm donors and males can employ surrogate mothers. In those cases the sex of the child is going to be Nature’s gamble, just like it always is for everybody else. Then let’s look at the adoption process which is difficult for any couple, let alone a same sex couple, and obtaining any healthy infant is a dream come true, whatever flavor it comes in. Are these sufficient reasons to “unconfound” you and your friends? What I’m confounded by is your conspiracy theory of using a child as an apology to society. Sheesh!